Muestra los eventos de las teclas y el raton
xev [-display displayname] [-geometry geom] [-bw pixels] [-bs {NotUse- ful,WhenMapped,Always}] [-id windowid] [-root] [-s] [-name string] [-rv]
Xev crea una ventana y luego le pide al servidor X para enviarlo eventos cuando alguna vez algo le pasa a la ventana (como se está moviendo , cambiar de tamaño ,tecleado , se hace clic en , etc. ) . También puede adjuntar a una ya existente ventana. Es útil para ver lo que hace que los eventos que se produzcan, hasta mostrar la información que contienen ; es esencialmente una debug-ging y herramienta de desarrollo , y no deben ser necesarias en el uso normal .
-display display
This option specifies the X server to contact.
-geometry geom
This option specifies the size and/or location of the window, if a window is to be created.
-bw pixels
This option specifies the border width for the window.
-bs {NotUseful,WhenMapped,Always}
This option specifies what kind of backing store to give the window. The default is NotUseful. Backing store refers to the the pixels saved off-screen when the X server maintains the contents of a window; NotUseful means that the xev process will redraw its contents itself, as necessary.
-id windowid
This option specifies that the window with the given id should be monitored, instead of creating a new window.
This option specifies that the root window should be monitored, instead of creating a new window.
This option specifies that save-unders should be enabled on the window. Save unders are similar to backing store, but they refer rather to the saving of pixels off-screen when the cur- rent window obscures other windows. Save unders are only advi- sory, and are normally set for popup dialogs and other tran- sient windows.
-name string
This option specifies the name to assign to the created window.
This option specifies that the window should be in reverse video.
X(7), xwininfo(1), xdpyinfo(1), Xlib Programmers Manual, X Protocol